Questions you might ask yourself:
Is my data working for me or are we working for our data?
How is my data producing income or preventing loss of income?
Can I do more with my data?
How long does it take for all of my staff to run their current reports?
What would happen if I could standardize my data?
How many places do you need to get your data from?
Do I have a big picture view of what is happening throughout my agency?
Is my data measuring outcomes and value of the work we are doing?
Would I feel comfortable comparing my data to a large corporation?
Translating Data's Mission
To use standardized measurable processes focused on identifying data-driven practices with community-based organizations that allow them to better manage existing funding and pursue new opportunities for growth.
Where does your Organization Fit in?
W.K. Kellog Foundation
Congressional Mandate
The fiscal federal budget guidance states the budget process is to support agency efforts to use evidence, evaluation, and data as tools to improve program outcomes.
This requires a reliable and ongoing process of monitoring, evaluation, and improvement. Data-driven decision making depends on consistent, valid, and reliable data.
It also requires a comprehensive evaluation plan that adheres to the standard of rigor outlined in principles of evaluation. This means evaluation questions, methods, data collection, and reporting must be credible, applicable, consistent, and objective.
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